No, dude, your girlfriend is not Bipolar!

Fight the Stigma of Mental Illness and Bipolar Disorder!

To support the troops during World War II, women “fought the stigma!” Let’s fight against the stigma of Mental Illness!

“Man that biznitch is crazy… she must be bipolar!” (Usually followed by obnoxious laughter.)

I see that in Tweets and on Facebook all the time! The BEST was when a date actually said to me, “Aren’t all women Bipolar?” This was in response to my honest admission of my illness. It made me realize two things: 1) Twenty six is way too young for me and 2) I HATE THE STEREOTYPES AND THE STIGMA ASSOCIATED WITH MENTAL ILLNESS! Let’s spread this news: Bipolar Disorder is a debilitating disease that there is no cure for! It is not a cute way to say “moody!”

Let me give some very quick facts… Currently 5.7 MILLION people suffer from Bipolar Disorder (5% of the population).  Keep in mind that it is VERY difficult to diagnose and that many people will NEVER receive a correct diagnosis. Of those diagnosed, 20% will ultimately commit suicide. That’s1.14 MILLION people that WILL COMMIT SUICIDE!

Tell me that people would stop making it out to be a joke if they knew that! Would they? If that doesn’t resonate in their pathetic little brains, what will?

Let’s try this… immediately ask them if they also joke about minorities… be specific (it’ll sting more – muhahahahaha). Don’t let them down easy. Ask them if they also like to make fun of perhaps blacks or Hispanics. Keep pressing… do they like gay jokes? (I say we keep pressing until they stammer.) Then say, “If the mentally ill are a minority you like to laugh at, why not others?”

I honestly think they might think twice next time they call someone “Bipolar!” Yes, you might have been so hardcore they think, “Wow this person is nowhere near as Bipolar as that one that went off on me about it that time was!” Ha-ha-ha!

To that thought I say, “Whoo Hooo!” If my outspoken tirade changes one mind… if one more person thinks twice… if one person stops stigmatizing…I HAVE CHANGED THE WORLD FOR THE BETTER!!!


Space Mountain and Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is like a roller coaster in the dark

You wait for hours in line… feeling your heart racing with anticipation. It’s your turn so you strap in tight. Holding your breath, you wait for takeoff. 3-2-1… here we gooooo! You whip to the side, through a tube and into the pitch black darkness. Your head starts to spin. Your knuckles turn white as you hold on for your dear life! Rapidly you jerk up and down… left and right. You have no clue where you are… have been… or are going.

Yes, you have just ridden Space Mountain with me. You have also read what I believe is an excellent description of living with Bipolar Disorder.  You wait for that for that first doctor’s appointment with terrible anticipation. What will he say about the things that have been going on in your head? Then, 3-2-1… “I am diagnosing you with Bipolar Disorder.” Your head is spinning. You mentally begin to grasp for anything stable.  Here we goooo!

What you may forget is that you were already riding the rollercoaster! You had been living with Bipolar Disorder all your life! The ups and downs and left and rights are part of your life. The very, very positive thing is that now you are aware of the problem. That is great! We all know that the first step in solving a problem is realizing that you have one.

A Bipolar Disorder diagnosis is not the end, it is the beginning. Start here and now… make a change. Living a full life with Bipolar Disorder is totally doable! Just remember, if anyone asks you, “What is Bipolar Disorder like?” Respond, “Ohhh… it’s just like Space Mountain!”

More to Come!